New Look

I have been wanting to revise this site because the previous theme did not allow for a specialised mobile view. In mobile view, it was cumbersome and unfriendly. This theme comes with a mobile-friendly version.

I was hoping to find a theme that separated posts by page instead of the mile-long feed I currently have. That has been a trade-off between the clean lines of this and the previous theme, and the more cluttered front page of other designs. I have opted to continue with simple clean lines of this new theme.

I also added two menu items for easier navigation, you can now navigate to every mention of a family name or a particular family member. You can also navigate to posts based on a theme. Don’t miss the tags at the bottom of the page for other interesting topics. I  also plan to update my “About” page very soon.

Lastly, I changed the name of the site to “Genealogy Galore” hoping that it will be more search engine friendly and attract more visitors.

Feel free to comment on the design and any other aspect of my blog. Your comments are much appreciated.






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